Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trail vs. Street

What's your running preference? Most days, I prefer trail running to street running because it's easier for me to get lost in the time and distance I'm running when I have beautiful surroundings. However, for making better times and getting further in less time, street running (or park running or paved trail running) help me achieve some of those goals quicker. I read recently in Runner's World that it's good to mix up what kinds of surfaces you run on, not only to give your body a break from pounding pavement, but also as a way to build strength. I'm assuming this is a good idea to do, even when training for a flat event, but would appreciate some input on it!

Now, I have to share about the entertaining trail run I did the other night, while Will was playing soccer. I was supposed to run 55 minutes according to my training plan, and I figured the perfect way to do it would be on the trails at Maclay Gardens. Well, my idea was pretty good but in practice, it had a few mishaps! First of all, it was a bit cloudy on Sunday and right at the point where I was going to turn around, the wind picked up and it got suddenly dark in the woods! Even though I had my phone with me, I have to admit how utterly terrifying it was to think I would be trapped in a thunderstorm in the woods with no one around. Reflecting on that panic though, I realize it was a bit silly because 1) I had just passed a boat dock, so I had a place to wait it out 2) I had my phone, to call Will to come rescue me 3) I was no more than 30 minutes walk back to the soccer fields and 4) I was in a state park, which is a pretty safe place to be. Either way, I immediately pulled a 180 and took off. I had been going pretty "slow" to enjoy being out and about (plus we had ridden 32 miles on our bikes the day before, so I wasn't feeling super energetic), so when I say "took off," it's kind of relative. However, I felt like a speed demon. I'm also pretty sure I've never sprinted up hills quite like that before! In the long run, it never rained, I got chased by a very aggressive horsefly, and by the time I got back to the soccer fields, it was only partially cloudy, so it was all for naught.

Or so I thought! My "take off" actually made me realize I could run at a faster pace for a longer distance than I realized. Fancy that! So this morning on my run, I messed around with my speed and realized I'm actually more comfortable running at the slightly faster speed, and have a hard time slowing down. Is this normal?!?! I always read about "pace" when I read running blogs and Runner's World, but I've never paid very much attention to it. However, this morning, around mile 3, I hit a groove and I think I discovered what a good pace felt like. I'm hoping it was as much of an epiphany moment as it seems like it was at the time.

In sum, my two major questions are:

1. Do you prefer trail or street running? Why or why not?

2. Can you discover that you have a faster pace that is preferable to where you thought you were comfortable?

Leave me some love in the comments section!

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