Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Training

Maybe not my best idea. But I found some advice from this blogger for Brooks who helps to account for all the changes you need to acclimate to when the weather changes. Running this morning in the mist before Tropical Storm Angela hit, made me realize how hot the weather has gotten!! I have been choosing to run more in the evenings with Will, which can be cool around 7:30 as the sun starts setting. However, I forgot how good it felt to run in temperatures that are in the low 70's and not sunny, like this morning! I realized that my pace and enjoyment of running have been suffering more than I have been admitting, which kind of makes me happy because it's not just me beating myself up mentally, but rather that I really am struggling! On the other hand, it makes me a little more intimidated about training for my first half over the summer--how come nobody stopped me from doing that?!?! Here's hoping I get a "big-girl" job soon that will force me to wake up early and run before it gets hot. While I enjoy running in the evenings with Will, I also enjoy not suffocating with each step.

Anyways, this post wasn't meant to complain. Instead, I was hoping to gain some insight on how other people have been dealing with the rapid approach of summer and how that affects their running. I have seen some struggles being admitted on Facebook, which helps me feel less alone about it, however, how are we supposed to battle it? What are your recommendations to keep yourself going, hydrated, and safe as we combat the ever-rising temperatures? Should I be dragging my tush out of bed in the wee morning hours to catch the best temperature? Should I be swapping in some treadmill days to balance out the outdoor temperatures?

I'm dreading our move to Williamsburg because I already know that the summer temperatures and humidity are worse than Tallahassee, so I'm thinking this training will be a potentially regrettable decision. However, come race day, I know I will be motivated, happy, and thrilled to reach the finish line and will not care about all the struggles I'm having now and will be facing over the next 12 weeks!
Keeping my goal in mind!

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