Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lower Body Burn

Friends, I just have to share this workout with you. I did it yesterday morning, not even in its full entirety, and had jello legs by the end. I woke up this morning to do my run and I knew it wasn't worth dragging myself out of bed to do a 50-minute run, because I could feel the sore muscles all throughout my thighs/hamstrings/glutes. I opted for a 30-minute run, which was a struggle enough with my tired muscles (I've never felt my quads burn like that on a run!).

However, despite the struggle, I actually really enjoyed this routine! I rarely target my lower body because I assume that with running and whatever else I do, it gets a workout whether I intend it to or not. Well that was a somewhat false assumption! I've been trying to incorporate more squats into my non-running routine, but with little success. This workout targets your lower half without having to do traditional squats and it gets much more than just your glutes! Wowza! It also recommends doing three sets of each move for 20 reps....needless to say, I made it through one set on most of these and some of them I didn't even get to 20 and I still feel it. So congrats Self Magazine for coming up with this (literally) kick-ass routine! I think I know what I'm doing more often on my "days off" for cross-training...

Oh, and did I mention you have no excuse not to try it because it doesn't require any equipment?

Routine: Nine Moves to a Tighter Butt
(Killer first move of the series....burpee bonus!)

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