Monday, August 26, 2013

Yoga Ambassador

I am so excited to announce that I will be serving as a new yoga ambassador at Studio South!! I'm really thrilled about this opportunity to serve as a member of the team at Studio South and be the person who greets new yogis when they come in the door. This opportunity presented itself at the perfect time, since I am grappling with the decision of whether or not to pursue my yoga teacher certification over the course of this year. Both the yoga ambassadorship and the yoga teacher training are opportunities that Studio South has presented and I am hopeful that in addition to my new role, I can pursue the teacher training course, led by Yax Yoga Concepts. Unfortunately until my job situation is in a better state, teacher training cannot happen, but hopefully before the training starts on Oct. 4th, things will be sorted out and the path will be laid for me to be able to attend and work towards my certification! But as far as the ambassadorship goes, I get started this Friday and am SO PUMPED! Williamsburg area friends-I'll have some free class passes for you to take advantage of :) And everyone who lives in the area should check out this studio-their warmth and kindness and genuine love of helping people discover yoga, is absolutely incredible. I am so honored to get to serve with such a wonderful group of yogis!

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