Friday, August 23, 2013

10 Days

We are officially 10 days out from our first half marathon. How do I know? The prediction for September 1st showed up on my 10-day forecast today. Which is kind of scary. And nerve-wracking. And intimidating. Not the weather, but the race. I know I'm ready and I know I can run the distance, but I feel so unprepared. I have all the race information, where we're staying, how to get everywhere, etc. But I still feel completely unready. A 5K is one thing, but a half marathon? It's a much bigger deal. My running seems to have been suffering recently, both mentally and physically, I think because I'm afraid of messing up anything physically, before the big day. But every time, I also feel a mental anguish that I'm not doing enough/doing it right/training hard enough/etc.

As excited as I am for this race, I'm looking forward to being able to run and run whatever distance I want, for the fun of it again. I've enjoyed the challenge of training for this race, but man has it messed with my head! It's bad enough that I'm stressed about my (un)employment situation, but the pressure I'm putting on myself for training (or occasionally the lack thereof) is just getting to be too much. I stymied myself this morning and only ran two miles-argh! However, I have a long 9-10 mile to look forward to this weekend with Will, so hopefully that will help me land back in the correct mental state before the race next weekend. And I think I'll load up on lots of yoga this week too, just to help even more!

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