Monday, May 20, 2013

Why Another Blog?

You might be thinking, "Megan's food blog is cute, but why does she think we want to hear more babblings from her?" Here's my answer: "not everything I do involves cooking!" And while Cooking With Willis is absolutely fantastic and I appreciate the support from my readers, there are other things I want to talk about besides food (and it doesn't mean you have to listen)! Mostly, I would like to have some sort of blog forum to discuss with other fitness junkies, especially runners, how to stay motivated, share tips and advice, and help achieve (running) goals. I am in no way a great runner or perfect yogi, much less certified in anything, so what I offer here may not be of much help to anyone! However, I am hoping to gain some insight from others as to how to improve my training so I can be a better runner and more fit overall.

Now, the really ironic part about this is, I imagined this blog up while on a long run Sunday and when I got back to my car, realized my favorite bumper sticker would make the perfect name. Then on Monday, I woke up with sore ankles (an underlying bout of tendonitis, I believe, that I am f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g) and then I wrenched my back at the gym doing ab twists and now can't turn fully to my right. That was after a little IT band scare in my left leg on Saturday night, that calmed down after some icing. So the name "Pain Now, Wine Later" really rings true today and when I get home tonight I'll be pouring myself a nice glass of Cab Sauv to recuperate and figure out why the hell my body is freaking out at me. Again, I hope this blog can offer an avenue for others to share advice about how to combat problems like these when all we're really trying to do is keep ourselves healthy. I mean seriously. Body, get with it.

Anyways, you may also be wondering why I would want to blog about running/yoga/working out at all. Those of you who have known me for years know that for a long time I was all "ughhh running who would want to do that? Seems stupid" or "working out is ridiculous" blah blah blah. I admit: I said all of those things. I still sometimes believe those things. But as in many other aspects of my life, and most people's, I have grown up and come to recognize that things I have written off in the past deserve a chance. So last May, I joined a gym (not the first time) and was diligent about going 3-4 times a week (I had done this over a summer before). I even had a personal trainer because there was some sort of special going on. Will and I bought a bike for me and I would do flat paths with him. I learned to kayak. I started practicing yoga more religiously and found a studio I liked and shelled out the $$ for classes. Life was grand. Then school started and I realized that for once, I would not let the school/practice/work schedule take over and I would manage to fit these things in. Because guess what? I was looking better and feeling better and why wouldn't I want to keep doing that?

Flash forward to December, where I had been pretty good about waking up at the crack of dawn to drag myself to the gym and Will and I had squeezed in biking on busy weekends, as well as scrambling to yoga classes a few nights a week and on weekends. I have some piano students who run, one who does kid triathlons, a former boss who is a triathlete, and a coworker who runs, blogs, and Facebooks about her fitness all the time, usually before most of us are even awake! Between all of them, I realized I should attempt to tackle the elusive idea of running, one that had never made sense to me (why run around for no particular reason, unlike soccer where you can chase a ball to score a goal) and that I had avoided because of my patella femoral pain syndrome in my knees. However, not having experienced many knee problems down here in Tallahassee, I figured I'd give it a shot.

All I can say for the first couple weeks is "ow." Then I went and got fitted for shoes at Capital City Runners, bought a pair online (eventually went back and got fitted and bought shoes there-a worthwhile investment) and immediately things were better. Then I started running more because it didn't hurt my ankles as much, and after a frustrating dress rehearsal for my masters recital, Will and I went out and ran a 5K distance with no problem. We signed up for Run for the Cookies the following week and never looked back.

I hope you'll join me in exploring the various means of fitness that are out there, but more particularly in my running. In the following blog posts, I will be posing questions and asking for advice, so I hope you will help me out along the way!

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