Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Distance/Time Dilemma

When training for a half marathon, is it more important to focus on your distance or your time? I'm finding I keep pretty close to a 10" mile when I'm going for longer time runs (as opposed to closer to 9" for shorter distances/races), especially in preparation for this half marathon. But when preparing for a distance event, is it better to focus on the amount of time you're out running or the distance itself? I find myself getting hung up on both, although the training plan I'm using puts more emphasis on time as opposed to distance. However, I have looked at other training plans and discovered that distance is the priority.

Also, when picking plans, I steered away from those that wanted you to do different types of running, i.e. "tempo training" or "circuit training." I'm not sure if that was a good or bad move on my part, because I feel like on race day, I'll have pretty good energy and will be encouraged by those around me in my pace group (is that what it's called?), to keep up a good pace. When you are out on a run, do you try to mix up your speeds, to test yourself at faster tempos and then have more moderate tempos to catch your breath? Or do you just kind of chug along with only a slight variance in tempo?

If you have a favorite plan, please leave me a link in the comments section!


  1. Both are very important, but I always focus on covering the distance! There's something mental about being at mile 8 and knowing you've proven that you're able to do 10 miles. You know?

    That said, in the race I always find myself thinking "2 miles left? That's only 20 minutes of running." Find what works for you mentally and go for it. You want to know you can cover the distance, but you want to also know that if you have 40 minutes left to run, that you can do that too.

    I haven't used Hal Higdon's half training program, but have used it for other distances. Definitely check it out.

  2. Thanks Chase! That training guide for the Novice 1 kind of matches up distance-wise, what I'm using for time. I like the looks of it a lot, so maybe I'll come up with some combination of the two. And thanks for the advice!
