Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yoga Bingo

This month, Studio South is doing something called Yoga Bingo: there's a chart laid out like a bingo sheet and in place of numbers, there are activities you can do instead. They range from taking a class with a new instructor, to tagging SS in a Facebook status, to eating fresh, healthy foods for an entire day (farmer's market this weekend, anyone?). Each activity on here is different and varies between lifestyle, social, and individual practice. Depending on how many rows you complete by the end of the month, you can win prizes like t-shirts, oils, or the big one: a free private yoga session.

Well as we all know, I like a good challenge. Like, really love a good challenge. I like having goals to work towards, what can I say? And I'm not even totally sure I'm motivated by the prizes (but prizes don't hurt), but I want to see just how many of these activities I can complete. Apparently, I am super competitive with myself! It's almost in an obsessive way. Every day on my to-do list, I just have "BINGO" listed in all caps, to remind myself to do something or start one of the week-long activities, so I can cross it off the chart. A little overboard, right? NOPE. Granted, this behavior completely goes against my yoga-based philosophy of "let things happen as they will,""be in the moment," etc etc. I am so totally motivated to do everything on the bingo sheet! I mean, in good news, most of the things are healthy life decisions, things I already do, and nothing really out of the norm. But still. One month to do them all! The pressure! I think Will thinks I've gone off the rocker a bit, because every time I go into the kitchen, I just stare at the bingo chart, contemplating what I should be doing. Nothing wrong with me, right? So much for being a calm, peaceful yogi--hah!

So here's what I've accomplished so far:
-I've taken a class from a new instructor and gotten her initials
-I've learned the Sanskrit name for my favorite pose (pigeon = Eka Pada Rajakapotasana....don't make me pronounce it)
-I've reviewed barre on Google
-I've taken 5 classes so far this month, but need to take 10 (oh darn, what a challenge)
-I've been a Karma yogi and done something for someone without expecting anything in return
-I reviewed Studio South on Yelp
-I've started drinking my 64+ oz. of water a day for the next week
-I'm figuring out when the best class time is to bring a friend to their first yoga class (!!)

(My H2O and my bingo chart, always close at hand)

On my "easy to-do list," I've got:
-Ask an instructor for help with a pose
-Reserve a space in an upcoming workshop
-Eat only fresh, healthy foods for one day
-Check in on Facebook (I wish I'd stop forgetting to do this!)
-Take a picture with my Namaste Y'all shirt on
-Practice a restorative posture for 5 minutes each week

There's a bunch more left to do on the sheet and I've plotted out what I know I can accomplish easily and what requires more planning/thought. The month is already 1/3 over and I've got so much left to do! Are there any other Studio South yogis out there who have taken on the yoga bingo challenge? If so, what have you accomplished/what's on your bingo to-do list?

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