Sunday, November 24, 2013

Teacher Training Recap: Weekend Two

Whew! I just completed my second weekend of teacher training and I am exhausted! Physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. But what a much-needed weekend off the grid and away from normal life. Not only is expanding my yoga practice and learning how to teach wonderful, but the centeredness that I very much needed this weekend, was appreciated. Teacher training is hard to explain and sum up, other than to say it's a lot of information in little spurts of time, that I trust will ultimately come together and make perfect sense and harmony. Fact: it's not just about learning poses, like it may sound like. It is much much more and helps all of us continue to grow and expand our practice on and off the mat. This may sound cheesy, but it's true. While this weekend I learned a lot about how to teach and help others appreciate understanding yoga, I also learned a lot for myself. I learned about ways to protect my suddenly-weak right wrist, I learned about better meditation practices, and I learned about the Yamas, which will help me strive to live a more balanced life. I practiced sequencing, speaking, and asana. I absorbed methods of striving to reach pure potentiality and pure awareness. I was able to just be.

Sound like a load of malarkey? Maybe so. But I feel so at peace after this weekend and it proved to be the perfect hiatus to my currently chaotic life. The people I am sharing my teacher training experience with have a strong positive energy to them, despite being people from a variety of backgrounds. And of course our leaders, the Yax brothers, exude peace, wisdom and loving kindness. While I may not always teach hot yoga, I am grateful to their teaching methods that allow their students to be able to take their concepts and apply them to any kind of yoga class setting. I feel like I am not just learning one style of yoga, but a larger transferable method that can carry me through several years of teaching, once I graduate from this course. I am so excited that it's only three weeks until I go back again and get one last little get-away before the wedding! I know that I will need that peaceful loving environment even more as the details start coming down to the last minute!

Special shout-out to my Richmond friends for putting me up on these weekends and acting as a major support system in allowing me to go through this training! Your couches, food, and company mean so much to me as I continue to work through this training! Love you all very dearly.