Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Exciting Announcement!

I can finally officially say I will be beginning my RYT 200 yoga teacher training this week with Yax Yoga Concepts in Richmond! I have been wanting to go through training for the last couple years, so I am thrilled to finally be biting the bullet to do so. While the first part of training is going to collide with an already-busy fall, I look forward to the sessions post-wedding, where I can allow more time to really hone in on skills that will make me a better yogi and help me become a great teacher. Needless to say, I'm REALLY REALLY excited about this! Yogayogayogayogayogayogayoga. I went to a fantastic yoga workshop with Stacy Nelson last Friday at Studio South where I learned that my basic flow poses are all wrong--good to know before training and also wonderfully enlightening. What a fantastic reminder that yoga is all about constantly growing, adjusting, and remaining humble! Guess who's been working on their downward dog-->Chaturanga this week? Also, core. That's all there is to say about that.

Things I'm less excited about: the fact my blogs have been lacking since starting work. I can't log onto blogger or even view my blogs at my new place of employment, thanks to internet restrictions. (I'm also blocked from Facebook, Pinterest, basically anything fun with the exception of Etsy--I can still get on there!) I'm superbummed because it means blogging has been shifted into my home time, which is already limited enough! Plus, all my weekends from now until January, are pretty much occupied with wedding stuff/yoga training (!!)/family obligations, etc. WHEW. So late night/early morning/coming home for lunch blogging is going to ensue as best as possible. It at least explains the particular lack of attention to this blog.

But another thing I AM excited about are my new co-workers. They're a really fun bunch of people who like to have a good time. I've already baked for them and they've already hated me because they're all on "diets." They also like to workout during lunch, which is a foreign concept to me (good morning Rec Center at 6:15 AM...). They do P90X DVD's in the conference room and want me to teach them yoga--it's fantastic! Today, we even had a "guns" comparison....and from everyone who participated, I apparently won and then was paraded around the office to show off my arm muscles. I was unaware they were impressive--I actually had to go to the bathroom to see for myself. Fact: shoulder muscles make you arms look crazy defined, even if you don't think they are. I think I owe my recent sudden transformation to the workshop Friday night--when you get into Chaturanga right, it makes all the world of difference.

Anywho, enough blabbing on. I just figured I would announce my teacher training enrollment and to assure the world that a) I didn't fall off the face of the Earth and b) I'm still out being active! We're not currently training for any races, but moreso training for our wedding! Definition and trim bodies, HERE WE COME!